Thursday 10 July 2014

crystal structure

crystal structure

o   Crystallography:  It is that branch of science in which the internal structures of crystals, their properties, external or internal symmetries of crystals are studied.
o   Various terms associated with Crystallography. 
(i)            Crystal: It is a solid which constituent atoms or molecules are arranged in a systematic geometric pattern.
(ii)          Structure: The structure implies the arrangement of the atoms within a crystal.
Other important terms – Space lattice, Unit cell, Atomic planes, lattice parameters, Miller indices etc. 

o   Classification of solids:
1.    Crystalline:   If the atoms or molecules in a solid are arranged in     
                            regular fashion, then it is known as Crystalline solid.
2.    Amorphous: When the atoms or molecules in a solid are arranged in      
an irregular fashion, then it is known as amorphous   solid.
o   Polycrystalline Materials: When in a solid material is build up of a large number of small interlocking crystals or grains it is called polycrystalline. 

o   Space lattice & Crystal lattice: The atoms arrange themselves in distinct pattern in space called a space lattice. It can be considered as an infinite array of points in space, so arranged that it divides space into equal volumes with no space excluded. In a space lattice every point has identical surroundings. 

o   Unit cell & its lattice parameters: It is the smallest group of atoms possessing the symmetry of the crystal.

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